I decided that it has been a while that I have not written any blog any where. Yes, my grammar skills are at the lower end of any spectrum and measurement that has been invented. But to be honest, I will commit a lot of comma splices or splits and perhaps a bit of other grammatical sins but please bear with me.
Well I am into Kpop, although I have not been that active in it lately. The reason is that Kpop always stays young and fresh and after DBSK (TVXQ) officially broke up I went into a bit of withdraw. I am still trying to find my place in the internet with my clicks and whatever it is that I am interested in. But for sure I love Korean, I am still learning it even if I have not been to Second Life lately to stalk the Koreans in there or have Skype Me on Skype so I can stalk them in their first life (LOL). I am going to go to talktomeinkorean.com. I believe that is the site and learn more Korean and listen to Kpop even if the artists could be almost my kids.
I am 23 going on 24 by the way and I am sure that a 12 year old can't be my child but it sure as hell feels that way. I was watching this group called Teen Top. At first I just stared at them and my mind started working like this:
1) I like your white clothes, hate the black ones.
2) I like your hair
3) OMG you are so young looking
4) What are they feeding these kids these days?
5) Compared to that older guy on the video ya look short and thinner.
But maybe it is because I am older and I am a bit of an Otaku and that was the reason I did not really like white color on them but I really did not love the outfit over all.
Then I watched Project Runway KOREA
I have to say that in the 1st episode they were a hell a lot more nicer than the Project Runway people were in the US.